The Theory of the Counter-Secular: From Origins to Present
In his book Rebellion Against the Secular World, Ruslan Khalikov introduces readers to the ideological basis of counter-secular movements and concepts, describes the influence of various events and people on counter-secularity, and analyzes vectors of mutual influence of religious, political, and economic factors in different countries and different periods. Many of the issues raised by Khalikov require further academic discussion. Of particular interest are such subjects as the meanings counter-secularism has in various present-day countries, the pace at which it develops in those contexts, the impact of globalization on these counter-secular projects, and the problem of the influence of political and economic factors on the religious situation in the globalized world. Khalikov emphasizes that the religious element unfairly remains somewhat underrated in respect to the system of international relations, and is seen as generally less relevant when compared to economic and political factors. Therefore, theoretical studies and practical recommendations concerning various aspects of the religious sphere will not lose their relevance for a long time.
Khalikov, R. (2022) Povstannya proty sekulyarnoho svitu. Vydavnytstvo Ruslana Khalikova.