Ретроспектива імплементації доктрини «русскій мір» в українську дійсність
The review presents the collection of essays Russian World as a Doctrine: Origins of the Threat and Methods. The authors of the collection explore the concept of the Russian world via tracing its origins, trends, modern metamorphoses, and place in the current geopolitics of the Russian Federation, with consequent influence on other post-Soviet and Eastern European countries. The Russian world project is conceptualized as a threat to the territorial integrity of the countries of the former Soviet Union, as it aims at “resuscitating the empire.” Among the key markers of the Russian world are language, religion, autocracy, and the people (narodnost). The collection's authors not only warn about the possible consequences of accepting the doctrine of the Russian world in Ukraine, but also provide recommendations on how to avoid its implementation or possible routes of action for other Eastern European countries in cases where Russia has already begun an attempt at such expansion.
Filosofski dialohy (2021), «Russkiy mir» yak doktryna: vytoky, zahrozy, metody. Instytut filosofiyi imeni H.S. Skovorody NAN Ukrayiny.
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