Author Guidelines
To submit an articles and track the current status of your materials, you must log in as a registered user on the journal's website.
The editorial board of Essays on Religious Studies accepts materials related to religious studies, including articles, translations, archival sources, book and academic periodical reviews, and information on events in the field. Texts may be submitted in Ukrainian or English.
Submitted materials must meet the following requirements:
- Contain original scholarly contributions.
- Consider contemporary publications and the history of the topic.
- Align with the journal’s academic priorities.
- Use original texts of quoted sources.
By submitting materials, the author agrees with the journal’s editorial principles, peer review ethics, and open access policy. Publication decisions are based on double-blind peer review.
Materials should be submitted through the journal’s official website. Manuscripts should not exceed 40,000 characters (including spaces) unless otherwise agreed with the editorial board.
Technical Requirements:
- File format – Word
- Font – Times New Roman
- Font size – 14
- Line spacing – 1.5
- Margins – 2 cm on all sides
Citation Style:
References in the text should be cited in parentheses, indicating the author/editor, year, and page(s). For example:
Ukrainian source: (Щепанський, 2019, с. 128);
English source: (Casanova, 1994, p. 218);
Two authors/editors: (Кисельов і Каплан, 2018, с. 24) or (Brylov and Kalenychenko, 2020, p. 405);
Three or more authors: (Басаурі Зюзіна та ін., 2022) or (Basauri Ziuzina et al., 2023).
A non-numbered alphabetical bibliography follows at the end of the article, formatted in APA or Emerald Harvard referencing style. Include the DOI for works that have one.
For books:
- Author’s last name
- Initials
- (Year)
- Title of the book
- Publisher
- Place of publication
Щепанський, В. (2019), Кістка шамана: тюркський шаманізм у Великому Князівстві Литовському, Видавництво Руслана Халікова, Київ.
Knysh, A. (2019), Sufism: A new history of Islamic mysticism, Princeton University Press, Princeton and Oxford.
For book chapters:
- Author’s last name
- Initials
- (Year)
- “Title of the chapter”
- Editor’s last name
- Initials (Ed.)
- Title of the book
- Publisher
- Place of publication
- Page numbers
Севастьянів, У. (2022), “Формування та втілення комунікаційної стратегії в католицьких конфесіях України: сучасний контекст,” Смирнов, А. (Ред.), Українське християнство в цифровому світі: виклики та перспективи, Видавництво НУ «Острозька академія», Острог, сс. 161–187.
Zorya, K. (2021), “If One Knows Where to Look, Fiction is Magic,” in Bernd-Christian O. and D. Johannsen (Eds), Fictional Practice: Magic, Narration, and the Power of Imagination, Brill, Leiden and Boston, pp. 261–288.
For journal articles:
- Author’s last name
- Initials
- (Year)
- “Title of the article”
- Journal name
- Journal issue, page numbers
Дзюба, О., Хромець, В. (2010), “Системний вимір релігії: теоретико-методологічні аспекти,” Релігієзнавчі нариси, № 1, сс. 38–48.
Borowik, I. (2002), “The Roman Catholic Church in the process of democratic transformation: The case of Poland,” Social Compass, Vol. 49, No. 2, pp. 239–252.
For online sources:
- Author’s last name
- Initials
- (Year)
- “Title of material”
- Available at:
- Permanent URL address (accessed day month year)
Владиченко, Л. (2011), “До історії державного органу у справах релігій в Україні: з 1991 р. по теперішній час”, доступно за: (дата звернення: 23 жовтня 2024).
McCutcheon, R. (2021), “Civil Religion or Christian Nationalism?”, available at: (accessed 14 November 2024).
Examples of other source descriptions can be found here.
After the bibliography, the sources are listed one more time (under the title References), where all the bibliographic entries in Cyrillic should be transliterated into Latin script. Attention! The soft sign is not transliterated.
Shchepanskyy, V. (2019), Kistka shamana: tyurkskyy shamanizm u Velykomu Knyazivstvi Lytovskomu, Vydavnytstvo Ruslana Khalikova, Kyiv.
Abstract Requirements
Abstracts for the articles submitted to Essays on Religious Studies should be in English and 200–250 words long. The abstract must reflect the core content and results of the author’s research. Its structure should mirror the article’s structure and include the following parts: relevance, problem statement, methods or methodology of research (ways to solve the problem), results, and conclusions. Each point may be disclosed in one sentence (the sentence should not be too long and entail difficult grammar constructs).
Abstract Guidelines: 1) use active rather than passive voice (e.g., “The author proved” instead of “It was proved by the author”); 2) use past tense, not present or future; 3) avoid secondary details and specific numbers.
At the end of the abstract, list up to 10 keywords.
Accompanying Information:
- Article title in English.
- Author information: first name, last name, academic degree, affiliation, position, ORCID ID, contact details (phone number, e-mail), research interests.