Peer-review process
- Article Submission: Authors submit their articles to the editorial board in accordance with the journal’s requirements. Articles undergo a preliminary check for compliance with the journal’s thematic focus and formatting requirements.
- Selection of Reviewers: The issue editor selects several (two or three) reviewers from the editorial board members and, if necessary, other experts to review the material. The selection of reviewers considers their impartiality regarding the authors and the article’s topic.
- Peer Review: Reviewers receive the article in an anonymous format (double blind peer review) and are required to prepare a review with recommendations within three weeks from the date they confirm receipt of the materials for review.
Reviewers evaluate:
- Scientific Novelty: Does the article contribute new insights to the study of religion or religious phenomena?
- Relevance: Is the topic relevant to contemporary religious studies?
- Methodological Justification: Are appropriate research methods used?
- Validity of Results: Are the conclusions justified and supported?
- Structure and Formatting: Does the article meet the journal’s requirements for structure, style, and formatting?
- Originality: Is the article an original piece of research, free of plagiarism?
- Reviewers provide a written review highlighting both the strengths and weaknesses of the article.
- Reviewers may recommend: publishing the article, returning the article for revision with specific comments, rejecting the article.
- Decision-Making: The issue editor examines the received reviews and makes a final decision regarding publication. If reviewers significantly differ in their evaluations, additional review may be arranged. In disputed cases, the decision is made in consultation with the journal’s editor-in-chief. The author is informed of the editorial board’s decision and, if approved, can make the necessary corrections.
- Literary Editing and Abstract Editing: Once the article is approved for publication and all necessary corrections have been made, it is sent for literary editing and abstract editing. The issue editor must inform the author with the changes related to grammar, style, or spelling. The author has the right to accept or reject these changes.
- Typesetting and Publication: After all necessary edits are made, the article is sent for typesetting. The issue editor must send the article’s layout to the author. Only after this step can the article be published in the current issue of the journal.